
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Kerja baru bos baru team mate baru


Today better than yesterday heheheh so ade mase berblog so cter hari nih psl new thing in my lifes

1. New life routine
Puk5 saya dh kene bgn. awl kan??! kutegarkan diriku to woke up that early.. Actually tuh bgn combo (sahur + bgn pagi pg keje). Then naik putra, puk 730 am dh kat klcc uhuhuhu gle dedikasi heheheh... I think its better go in early and can go back early yahhoooo!!!

2. New office mate
Now I have my new office mate sume sekepala sume besh... Suke gle!!!!! Suke lg insyallah akan suke selama mungkin heheheheh....bukan nk ckp kat previous place budak2 tk besh, besh gle jugak cume tmpat baru it really uncertain...nsb dpt geng nsb tak baik tk dpt geng cenggitulah...

3. New boss
Hah? Ni penting. I dpt bos baru hehehehe tp tklah baru sgt I dh kenal die masa I wat trainee dulu kat GIA so okeylah kan tau lar bos cmne tau sket2 do's and don'ts

4. New time to go home
Nih yg penting!!! Bole blk awl hehehehhehhe... Keje tk byk sgt tk rushing so puk4 dh leh chow puk430 dh kat stesen tmn melati hehehheheh

So, I stop sni nk buka dh kepada sahabt selamat berbuka yer


P/s let it be as it is we can't plan and predict wat gonna hapen next

Sent from my BlackBerry® Celcom Mobile.


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