missshhhh you...
wah!!! almost a month i didnt update my blog at all... i'm really freaking busy and rushing with my 'first round' peak period. it damn tired, miserable and stressful up to the max. it was my duty and i know i have to do it either i like it or not... tpkan kdg2 aku rasa best pulak keje cmni busy all the time. i know what shld i do now, tomorrow, next and after next.....tk pyh pikir dah pe ptt wat. just follow the rthym sonoknya!!! tp tak sonok la kalu dh keje rush ngan dateline cm $%@#^&* (sory tak sgaja).... balik awl subuh then tdo for a few hours then continue works then the same thing for the next day mmg lar at the end ur mind, ur body cannot digest anything else other than R E S T + S L E E P....dat one dh setel dh account pun almost nk sign and aku pun dh assign for other 'miserable' engagement i ever had.
tp tak nk lar cter psl my second round peak period buat skt hati now i wanna talk about M I S S @ R I N D U hehhehehehhe....
masa busy busy tuh, i still have a time to check my fb (perkara wajib tuh) nak update diri and kwn2 hehhehehhehe....paper tak bace tak per fb tak leh hehhehehhehe... aku dpt kontek balik kwn my skoolmate, my uni mate..... sonok gler!!!! kdg2 ble teringt mase skolah tak lar rapat tp ble connected thru fb nih jd rapat laks....
this things jdk besh bler kiter jumpe balik our collegue yg dh berapa kurun tak jumpe tak kontek....tau tau dh der gf, bf, dh tunang dh kawin dh der anak hehehhehehe so sweet...
windu gle kat mmber2 sumer... i love u all muahhxxx...
for my besh buddy zu, niniey, jaja ~ aku dh slalu jumpe korg tp ble aku bz kowg pun tk tau psl aku and so do I ... sorryy but u r my most bestest and wonderful fwen I ever had... love u all muah muah (manyak manyak)
niney and jaja i lab u
miss u too zu!
for shafienaz ghakasah ~ i miss you so much... looking for you ages ago and luckly u found me in fb hehhehe ' I SEE YOU' mcm cter avatar laks hehhehehe... tk sabor nk tgk ur kids mesti tomey...nnti kiter hangout eh..
fienaz~ windu bangat sama kamu!!
for my dearie fwen lynn rezka~congratulation for ur new baby gal. shes so cute and adorable.... hope you are fine and happy with your family there.... mishhhh you like crazy muah muah.... hope to see u soon hehehhehe teringin sgt nk visit u kat sna tp wait yer lemme saving byk2 dulu baru leh pg sane and have a money to buy toys for ur kids hehhehehehe
lyn + chris = artiqah snow cinta rezka (love + miss you all)
my PAMILY ~ i miss you all... i m really busy and dont have enuf time to spend with you all.. thanx for you support and understanding. you are rock and cool!!! love you much much

i miss all my fwen i knew since my kindegarden, smktm (yana, azhani, haizani, dayah, umi, wani...., tikl (dayah, awin, nonet, tqah, dwi,...), my uni (stylo18 choh, dayah, mysu, farah, bany, ida, yana, iwa, hadrah, adra, echah, wet, kalsum, ira, ina, bos, rehant,...) or till now.... you are such a wonderful fwen and i love you all~
thank you for being my fwens.....
misss you all and i always do!!!!