So long from my teaser entry. OMG!!! i m so busy with my works... works will never ends from one to another one...
cmni lah keje yg menimbun2 |
Actually, its all about my trip to USS. i've been there twice this year. BEST!!!! tak boring pun. first went there travel with my sistas and my bff GALSSS vacation!!! dis one can consider 'budget trip' and another one with my family and can called of a 'proper vacation' pg dgn org berumur kenelah elok serba serbi...
if you guys noticed, nowadays lotsa package to USS offered out there. some of the package offer to stay at JB's hotel and the transportation to USS is provided. tau tau lah currency singapore mahal sgt. so, tk mampu duk sana. so, we all pun part of it. we all bought the package from Eddie Lai from Comgate Resources. Mula2 sush nak caya takut2 sindiket. But Alhamdulilah i bought from him twice and so far no problem. so, die buat keje betul lah hehehhe....
If you guys wanna go there but have very minimal budget you guys can contact him. here is his number
60129102513. i didnt get anything from him. i just wanna share some info with you guys with good testimoni..... kalu ada paper problem, please dont blame me tau....
Pagi tuh, we all went to JPO. Nak tgk lah what so special about this JPO. hmpppp may be not our luck kebykkan brg dah out of stocks. so, boring lah. boring boring pun shopping jugaks :) ... but, the place so nice!!!
in front of JPO. OMG gemoks nya saya.... |
JPO!!!! |
We all arrived at JB about 2pm. then terus check in. we choose to stay at New York Hotel JB. the hotel so nice. See!!! nice kan? for 3 days 2 nights we only pay for RM348 per person inclusive USS package. Menarik kan???
the next day is our traveling day to USS. pagi2 dh bgn dgn excitednya takut trtgal bus. we all arrived at USS about 10am ++ and we need to gather back at 8pm. itupun mcm tak ckup masa je and tak puas!!!! it really fun and interesting!!!!!!!! so, my advice is to wear very very comfortable shoes and comfortable attire. the weather is so hot and the place is so big... paham2 lah yer...
hollywood road. bertenaga sbb baru masuk |
SCARY!! sume takut ni sebenarnya... |
dah kepenatan... tgklah muka msg2 sorg ke kanan sorg ke kiri |
we are here USS!!! |
ni gambar tak ready.... so hodohs |
iphone apps~ |
us!!! actually there is another one cik zuu. but disbbkan mslh teknikal gambr tak dpt dipublish |
ALL!! and we have so much fun~ |
the best game in USS. TRANSFORMER |
i like to move it! move it! |
all the pictures |
i have lot lot of pictures. but to put it all here dah jd photo album plak hikhik.. so, to know more details you guys should go and experienced it by your own. then, you will feel the same.
dance together
Salam... nak tanya, betul ke eddie lai ni buat budget trip semurah itu? Sebab saya ada tanya dgn eddie lai, dia minta proceed bayaran dulu. Bole advice x as per ur experienced? Tq ye...
betul! eddie ni sgt boleh dipercayai.
dah a few person i recommend. so far, sume okey.
even myself pun dh used his service twice.
so far, he is okey. can be rely on.
sorry sbb lmbt respond.
awak.. kita nak sgt pergi USS ni. Selain bayaran tu.. masa kat dlm USS ada kena bayaran lain2 tak untuk masuk kat tempat2 dlm uss tu?
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