
Thursday, February 25, 2010

start to plan

the result just released out last monday.... i m just stuck with the craziness of my workloads till i forgot to check my result till all my fwen st (internal msging) me asking about the result.....
wah suddenly i become like zombie menggelabah, pucat and sejuk satu bdn.... then I bole salahkan air cond kuat sgt,.... pdhal aku yg menggelabah result dh kuar hehehhehe.....

actually i m not expecting so much because i dh few times fail the paper (same paper okey!!!) so i dh immune tp nk tgk result mstilah tkt kan.... then cmner ptg tuh during dinner time suddenly i remember about the result....still tkt lagi nk tgk n pura2 pinjam my fwen BB nk check email konon hehhehehehhe ntah mcm maner result aku kuar thru email hah rase nk cmpk jer BB tuh (isshhhkkk naya aku kene byr BB org, aku nya tak der ag hikhik) still tkt lagi nk tgk and mmber aku leh ckp muka aku suddenly pucat..... obviously pucat tkt kot!! aku leh ckp ye ker? tk der pe (pura2 tuk kali ke2) at last i think i should see wats the result to know wat shld i do next....

alhmadulilah wlaupun result tdk mmberangsangkan which is one paper pass one paper fail aku ttp bersyukur sbb paper yg pass tuh adalh paper yg aku dh fail TIGA KALI!!!!!!!!!!! diulang TIGA KALI!!! penantian itu satu penyeksaan .. yes I AGREED 200% hehhehehehhehe....

So, since my contract wif current employer nk tmt dh aku plan to finish all my papers within this semester... tp mcm tak bole sbb paper skang pun aku tk pg kelas sgt cmne tuh? then I planned to further my ACCA kat UK maybe ... asked for a deferment from petronas for 6 months or a year. after completed my acca then i come back to serve petronas bole ker? any idea???? ader ker case cm aku nih??? mcm2 la aku nih uhuhuhuh

i wanted to have an experience study oversea... nk gaks rase study kat tmpat omputih.... tp ntahlah too many things to think ... cost, time, contract wif petronas, fixed income, family, boipren (eh ader ker?) etc hehhehehehhe...

so, aku dlm dilema skang tak tau which one shld i do... this is my plan after finish my degree 3 years ago (owwhhh goshh, tuanya aku!!) since dpt offer keje then aku pun bersemangat keje dgn jayanya till skang at 4.59am still doing my works uhuhuhuhuh...

i have a lot of things in my mind i plan to do...

1. study oversea - petronas kasik ker? duetnya mana mau dicrk? tkkan nk pg sowg2? .....
2. smbg balik petronas - tk hbs ag acca nnti gaji cket.... nnti die cmpk jauh2 wah!!! byk nya bnda aku pikir....

should i think about it now or later or no need to think?
no need to plan just let it be as it is? (rasanya aku bukan org yg cmtuh uhuhuhuh)
ntahlar buntu .....

i have to think about it now kos if nk balik petronas dh kene report ngan dieorg by april or may....if i wanna further study kene start crk duet, college and so ever....

wahh!!! aku BUNTU!!!!!!
please dear, help me.....


scudmami said...

congrats passed..

dont THINK too much but PLAN!
first thing first!

in a logical way -- u should continue your study. Now is the time. Dah makin tua nanti aiyooo pale pon pening mau baca buku..
kalau mmg nak sambung insyaAllah ada lah jalan nye tu..

Duit? Bukan leh mintak sponsor ke?? Kalu PET sure mau sponsor (kot?) mintak je lah, no harm trying lorr...
Nak gi UK??? Hmm been there lah, pegi lah Ostolia, leh i gi jalan2 sana.. hahahah

Boipren ~ carik jangan tak carik.. but dont look too far, he maybe JUST in front of your nose (so start looking around :p)

gerekitualia said...

adik sayang...congrats passed...

i pun setuju ngan scudmami...plan to study?now is the best time for you... seriusly..percayalah kata-kataku ini..ngeee..

UK? best kalau pegi..tapi living cost tinggi..Aussie...murah sket dan sangat best-pun percayalah kata-kata ku ini..go to melbourne! u will love it :) or pi brisbane-dekat ngan gold coast ~wink~ sydney ok but mahal skit living cost but melbourne better! dari pengamatan saya ketika bercuti berjimba-jimba...
nanti dah lagi tua lagi tak best dan sangat tepu! hahahah

duit boleh di cari...dun worry..

boipren? - have fun dia main nyorok-nyorok!ahhaha

hey why keja so like that...chill bebeh! u r not a slave!

cik gerek!

~syafa shafiin~ said...

thanks to my auntie and my auntie wannabe...

actually i'm also thinking to further study before i start my career at new place new environment.

tp tgkla mcm mana sbb bergantung pd fulus
jugaks hehhehe

anyway thanks for advice

syafa shafiin

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