Wednesday, December 23, 2009
another round??!!
but for me, its totally different. after having my exam i have to start back to work. i have been barred from taking any leave except emergency leave or medical leave. PEAK PERIOD is coming in sob sob :'(
have to work till late of midnight, sleep at office or worst didn't sleep at all. what a life? but i m a little bit okey this year (ye ker? cm lagi worst jer) because this is my last peak period in E****Y****. time flies so fast. it nearly three years i ve been there and i m still alive and loyal to the company (actually terpaksa sbb bonded hikhik)
cant wait till that moment. should i chow before bonus paid or after? if yes, i have to wait another 4 months. lama tuh 4 months uhuhuhuh... another thing to think. but its too early to think. now is the time to think how to manage myself in the last round of peak period in my life( i hope so).
energy level is zero
tahap mengantuk keep increasing
berat bdn pun berlumba- lumba naik
Saturday, December 19, 2009
relaxing body not dancing
since i have a plenty of time to update my blog i've decided to write down something interesting here. previously, i have 3 besstest fwen i ever had. they are very nice, funny, intelligent, pretty ( now more prettier), honest and everything. but since we are having a conflict wif one of them, from 4 we are now become three. actually there is a long long story behind this but to make it simple we lost contact wif each other dats it! full stop.
berbalik pad interesting story i nk cter pg nih is about we are going spa together for a first time. FIRST TIME tau. for me this is not my first time to go spa. i always accompany my mom to go spa during our family vacation. basically i know what's will going happened, what they will do, which part they will touch and etc.
we went to dewi day spa at wangsa link. the venue is reachable just 15 minutes from my house. this is a new spa (sbb tuh kiterog pg tmpat baru cantik lagi ahaks~). memang decoration die sgt cntik, bau die harummmmm, pekerja die foreigner (obviously dr indon hehehhe) tp very friendly. i'm telling niniey wateva i know about spa, sharing with her anything i knew and she wil say owh okey, cmtuh ker, mana lah tau and etc (jgn marah niniey). but after one hour, she asked me one thing and i couldnt answered cause i never go thru that things from my past experience. niniey ckap 'aku ternoda' no no no no nothing happened actually. cume ble kiter pg spa amek massage package sume tempat la die massage hehheheh -_^

tp wateva it is all of us satisfied wif the package and we plan to go there next time to try other package maybe sauna, milk bath, body lulur, body scrub, manicure or pedicure (tgk pada masa and budget jugaks lol). tp tempat tuh mmg best ! thumbs up! if gals out there wanna try this spa use this link to get some information yer!
sometime we have to spend a day or at least a few hours for our own body to relax and refresh after a long day doing a heavy work or tense with other things.
dancing without eyes. oh no!

muka ngah tahan skt n pedih T_T
minor surgery nih tak lar teruk or aper sgt just nk buang nanah dlm mata akibat 'ketumbit'. salah satu sbb i nk buang jugaks nanah nih sbb ssh nk pakai eye shadow ader benjolan plak kat kelopak mata belah kanan. as what my sista said 'mata akak ader bonggol' ingt mata aku nih per? jalan raya? uhuhuhuh
doc said my eyes very dirty and i didnt clean up my eyes properly. i think my lenses also contribute some parts to this 'ketumbit.' for those yg pakai contact lenses including myself hehheheh please please please (a billion times) to- clean up your lenses properly
- change it to the new one once it already expired
- please take out your lenses during nite or asap (your eyes need enuf water and also rest hehhehe). dont sleep with them.
- go see contact lenses specialist or any doctor once a year (my specialist located at jalan pahang (promote cket hehehhe). please email me or buzz me if you need a detail)
i wanna share wif you guys wif wat hapen to my auntie due to this lenses. from the story i heard, my auntie was admitted to the hospital because her eyes getting bigger and bigger. my auntie didnt take out her lenses and slept with them quite a long time. ur eyes tak cukup rest or i think scientifically ur eyes didnt get enuf oxcigyen. then my auntie kene tahan for further rawatan kot. ntah tak ingat cter dh lama hikhikhik....yp alhamdulilah tak lah sampai kene operate buang mata.
for conclusion please eat a lot of carrots or any vitamins to protect ur eyes and also ur money from buying a pair of glasses or disposable lenses or doing a laser operation.....Thursday, December 17, 2009
my first dance ^_~
for a long long time i 'mengumpul' a strength to create my own blog not strength i think it supposedly looking for a free time to sit and do this thing.
i m interested reading some blog sharing wif me 'indirectly' about their life, their hobby, what they are doing, their best, sad, enjoyable experience and etc... i think dats the best way how we can express our feeling to others without telling them directly.
hopefully after this i have a 'new friend' to share wif about anything and everything maybe ahaks~
i m really sory for those who is really expert in english and found out that my english is really bad. frankling speaking i m not good in english but i can try to improve it.
so, hope to see and hear some comment from you guys after this.
thank you (,")